Thursday, April 26, 2012

Small Wonders

It's the little things in life that make up the big happinesses, really. I think that's something that we often forget when we get bogged down in the minutiae of everyday life. We are running around so fast, so hurriedly, so  harried, that we miss all the small wonders; all the beautiful moments that make up the good life.

My girls are currently on Spring Break. Monday was a little busy, but nothing too terrible - I had doctor's appointments, but they were spread out, and the kids were able to spend most of the day relaxing. (Okay, so they weren't relaxing - they had gotten in a heap of trouble Sunday night and spent most of the day folding laundry. Potayto, potahto!) Tuesday, since it was such an insanely gorgeous day, we went down to the French Quarter with Hans' mom, walked around a bit, had a bite of lunch at a place we'd been wanting to try (Montrel's for anyone wondering. And no, I don't recommend it.) and picked up some provisions at Tabasco and Aunt Sally's. Tuesday night, the girls had sleepovers with the neighbor girls - Al at their house, the youngest daughter here at ours with Heather. Wednesday was playing all day long, first here between the two houses, then at Grammy's and with the neighbor kids there. Then they spent the night with the grandparents. Again!

Yesterday, after the kids were gone, I decided to sit on my front porch without children running around me. I got a beer and a good mini cigar my father in law brought me from St. Maarten and parked myself. The lovely thing about my front porch is that the hedges are such that, if I don't wish to be noticed, I'm not. So I sat back and observed the comings and goings of the neighborhood. The weather was divine, the peace was superb. It was just one of those little moments that makes you smile and think how good life is.

There have been so many of those moments lately, too. I love living here because of it. I love that we live in a neighborhood where all the kids play together outside, running from house to house, spending the entire day outdoors. I love that the neighbors all wave and say hello. I love that we feel safe, and like we can stay put for a while.

The small wonders. They make up the good life.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Get your motor runnin'

It's time to start writing again. I haven't done much writing at all over the past month or two, and no writing here in ages. I need it, though. I need the outlet, the release, the sense of accomplishment it gives me.

There are so many times, as I'm in the car, or out and about, that I think, "Hmm.... That would make an interesting blog post!" Then, I get back home, and I need to put away the groceries, or do the laundry, or make the dinner, and it never happens. The longer I go on like this, the less motivated I become to do, well, anything. So, I guess you could say that this is a desperate attempt at finding motivation, both for writing, and in general. Kind of the whole, "fake it till you make it" mentality - if I fake my motivation, maybe action will beget motivation will beget action?

Now, if I'm completely honest with myself, and with the rest of you, one of the big reasons I haven't posted much here is because things happened that necessitated my posting on my other blog with more frequency. This is a lighthearted, upbeat blog, and things just haven't been all that lighthearted and upbeat lately. I mean, sure, there have been all sorts of fun and interesting things that have gone on, but I've had this constant undercurrent of stress that has made writing about the good seem trivial. I know now, though, that I need to write about the good to help deal with the not-so-good.

It really has been great living here. We've experienced things that, in all the moves and all the years, we hadn't had before. We have family very close by now, so we have a support system for when the bad things crop up, and to share the happy with. We have made some friends, though I'm still throwing up my usual brick walls and roadblocks. We've experienced so many new things! The girls even have winter coats and used them!

There have been so many times over the last few months that I've looked around me and just thought - or said - "I love living here." Take right now. I am sitting in my living room, watching the rain fall in my back yard. Many storms have found me outside on either the front or back porch, taking it all in. Saturday, when we were at the French Quarter Festival, after walking miles, I looked around me and was in love. I could see the Mississippi River to my left, and a crowd of people to my right, and everyone was happy! At Christmas, when we went to the bonfires, even though we didn't know anyone there, we felt like we were surrounded by friends. Even here in the neighborhood - I go outside, and someone stops by to talk for a bit.

It's good here. Yes, there's some scary stuff going on. No, not every day is wonderful. But, it's good. It's safe. It's peaceful. And, being here, we can make it.

Monday, April 16, 2012

A (almost) Year In Pictures...

So, I have been a bad, bad blogger. However, I have had good excuses! :-)

So, to make up for it, one picture for each month we've been here:


We moved into the new house, Heather ended up in the hospital, and the kids started school....

We celebrated our 11th anniversary, got a little more settled, and I learned to make gumbo!

Life turned upside again in October, but we took it all in stride.


Aliceon was named Student of the Year for her new school, and we had a great Thanksgiving!

Then came December, along with Christmas:

So wonderful having so much family together for the holidays!!


Lots of fun, lots of family time, and I got my camera back!


February was great - we (the kids and I) got to experience our first Mardi Gras, and all its many wonders!


Flowers blooming all over the place, Girl Scout Cookies and beautiful spring days... March was fantastic!

Now we're halfway through April:

It's been a great year so far, and we're looking forward to the rest of it!