Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Frankenstein had nothing on this body of mine....

Aren't you in for a treat, gentle reader! A second post in a single day! Of course, if you get through it, you may change your mind!

Today started out normal enough, as you saw earlier. However, as is wont to happen with me, there was a point when it all started spiraling out of control.

You see, I have anxiety issues. For the most part, I have kept them pretty darn well in check since this whole moving business started. It was almost completely limited to middle of the night attacks, which are bad enough, but not nearly as irritating (especially to those around me) as the broad daylight attacks. But brilliant me, I decided that since I was sooo tired today, and I had sooo much to do today, I would drink an "energy drink." Yeah. I know better. Sure, they up my productivity, and if there's nothing major going on, I cope just fine. But, of course, there's all sorts of other things going on right now, 90% of which is completely out of my control (which, I should point out, is another trigger for my anxiety...). And then, more things occurred, also outside of my control. And so I freaked.

Seriously. I spazzed. As in, "don't touch me, my skin is crawling, I feel like I'm flying apart, get away because I might blow," spazzed. Fortunately, Hans and I both recognized what was happening, and I was able to tell him, "Look, freaking out," and he had the forethought to figure out things to head off a complete melt down. So now, here I sit, feeling a bit calmer after some food and relaxation, thinking that it's all going to be okay. Everything's going to work out. The movers will come. Eventually. The house will be packed. Eventually. We will be moved in to the new house. Eventually. And nothing is going to explode, implode or fall apart, myself included.

At least, not tonight.... Tomorrow, well, that's tomorrow. Only time will tell.

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